18 research outputs found


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    Servant leadership merupakan salah satu topik studi yang diminati para sarjana dalam dua dekade terakhir. Studi ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan, mengeksplorasi dan menganalisis pengaruh servant leadership, organizational trust, organizational commitment terhadap task performance dosen. Studi ini bersifat kuantitatif, melibatkan seluruh tenaga pendidik di STPK Indonesia Timur sebagai respondens yang berjumlah 108 orang. Studi ini berfokus pada upaya untuk peningkatan task performance dosen STPK dalam perspektif servant leadership, organizational trust dan organizational commitment. Proses pengumpulan data dilakukan pada Juni - Agustus 2022 melalui Google-form. Teknik analisis statistik menggunakan analisis faktor dengan software Smart-PLS. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa servant leadership terhadap task performance berpengaruh positif dan signifikan, organizational trust terhadap task performance berpengaruh positif tidak signifikan, organizational commitment terhadap task performance berpengaruh signifikan, servant leadership terhadap organizational commitment berpengaruh positif tidak signifikan, organizational trust terhadap organizational commitment berpengaruh positif signifikan. Pengaruh servant leadership terhadap organizational trust berpengaruh positif signifikan. Pengaruh tidak langsung didapatkan hasil, organizational trust terbukti sebagai pemediasi pengaruh tidak langsung servant leadership terhadap organizational commitment. Organizational commitment terbukti sebagai pemediasi pengaruh tidak langsung organizational trust terhadap task performance. Organizational trust tidak terbukti sebagai pemediasi pengaruh tidak langsung servant leadership terhadap taks performance. Organizational trust dan organizational commitment terbukti sebagai pemediasi pengaruh tidak langsung servant leadership terhadap taks performance. Organizational trust dan organizational commitment terbukti sebagai pemediasi pengaruh tidak langsung servant leadership terhadap taks performance. Servant leadership is one of the study topics of interest to scholars in the last two decades. This study aims to describe, explore, and analyze the influence of servant leadership, organizational trust, and organizational commitment on lecturer task performance. This quantitative study involves all STPK East Indonesia teaching staff as respondents, totaling 108 people. This study focuses on efforts to improve the task performance of STPK lecturers from the perspective of servant leadership, organizational trust, and organizational commitment. The data collection process will be done via Google Forms from June to August 2022. Statistical analysis techniques use analysis factors with Smart-PLS software. The results show that servant leadership on task performance has a positive and significant effect, organizational trust on task performance has a positive and insignificant impact, organizational commitment on task performance has a significant effect, servant leadership on organizational commitment has a positive and minor effect, organizational trust has a significant positive effect. The influence of servant leadership on organizational trust has a significant positive impact. The results showed an indirect effect; organizational trust was proven to mediate the indirect implications of servant leadership on organizational commitment. Organizational commitment is demonstrated to mediate the indirect influence of organizational trust on task performance. Organizational trust is not proven to mediate the indirect influence of servant leadership on task performance. Organizational trust and organizational commitment are proven to mediate the indirect influence of servant leadership on task performance. Organizational trust and organizational commitment are demonstrated to mediate the indirect influence of servant leadership on task performance

    The Significance Influence of Pancasila Education and Religion Education on the Formation of Pancasila Student Profile by Hybrid Learning

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    With the rapid development and progress of science and technology, there is almost no place where a hybrid learning system cannot be implemented, namely onsite or face-to-face learning and online learning via zoom meetings or Google meet or other online media, and it is no exception for Tri Mulya Junior High School at Cigugur, Kuningan, West Java, Indonesia. Therefore, this research can be carried out with the main objective to find out how significant the influence of Pancasila Education and Religion Education, in this case the Sundanese Wiwitan Religion, are on the formation of Pancasila student profile, which now is being promoted by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia? This simple study was designed using a quantitative method by distributing questionnaires to 35 students who are the total number of the students at Tri Mulya Junior High School . From the data obtained, after being processed with the SPSS 22 software program, it was found that Pancasila Education and Religion Education had a very significant influence on the Formation of Pancasila Student Profile for the students at Tri Mulya Junior High School, Cigugur, Kuningan, West Java, Indonesia

    The resistance of social groups: religious behavior phenomena during Covid-19 pandemic

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    Religious groups are supposed to obey the rules of religion and government, yet they, in fact, showed a lot of resistance during the pandemic of Covid-19. Their resistance against the policy of social-physical distancing and health protocol is found in many regions. The current study aims to reveal and show the resistance behavior of religious groups covering the forms of the resistance and the influencing factors. It employs a qualitative descriptive approach through observations, interviews, and documentation on the online news. It concludes that religious groups have a strong social power with great compactness influenced by their figure. Each of them is subject and obedient to every single words of the figures. In short, the resistance happens due to the loss of religious figures who obey the government rules. In addition, it was found that scriptural literacy is very necessary so that religious adherents are willing and able to dialogue their faith with other disciplines and not fall into excessive subjectivism so that it seems that the practice of living religion becomes irrational and ignores ā€œotherā€ as happened during the PSBB/lockdown period

    KR-Heuristic Learning: Strategies to Develop Mathematical Lateral Thinking Skills for Gifted Students

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    AbstrakBerpikir lateral merupakan proses kreatif yang dilakukan seseorang dalam memecahkan masalah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemampuan berpikir lateral matematis siswa berbakat, selama dan setelah diberikan strategi Heuristik-KR. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode single subject research (SSR) dengan desain A-B-A yang dilaksanakan di salah satu madrasah aliyah di wilayah Tangerang Selatan tahun ajaran 2019/2020. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 3 siswa yang termasuk dalam kategori siswa berbakat. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah tes esay yang telah diuji validitas isi dan reliabilitasnya. Data dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif dengan penyajian data melalui grafik dan tabel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan berpikir lateral matematis tertinggi untuk ketiga subjek diperoleh pada kondisi baseline 2 (A2). Kemampuan berpikir lateral matematis G1 dan G3 pada kondisi intervensi lebih rendah dari baseline 1 dan 2. Untuk G2, kemampuan berpikir lateral matematis pada kondisi baseline 2 lebih tinggi dari intervensi dan baseline 1. Dalam penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa strategi Heuristik-KR yang terdiri dari tahapan membaca dan berpikir, mengeksplorasi dan merencanakan, memilih strategi, menemukan jawaban, serta merefleksikan dan memperluas cukup efektif. Strategi Heuristik-KP berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan berpikir lateral matematis pada indikator identifikasi ide, keterbukaan, pengembangan, fleksibilitas, orisinalitas, dan analisis fakta.Ā AbstractLateral thinking occurs when students used a creative method to solve problems. This study aimed to analyze the mathematical lateral thinking skills of gifted students during, and after being given the Heuristic-KR strategy. This study used a single subject research (SSR) method with an A-B-A design which was carried out at one of the aliyah madrasas in the south Tangerang for the 2019/2020 academic year. The study involved 3 gifted students and use a descriptive test that had been tested using content validity and reliability. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics by presenting data through graphs and tables. The results showed that the highest mathematical lateral thinking ability for the three subjects was obtained during baseline condition 2 (A2). The mathematical lateral thinking ability of G1 and G3 reached the lowest score in the intervention condition. For G2, the mathematical lateral thinking ability reached the highest score in the baseline 2. The study concluded that the Heuristic-KR strategy was quite effective, consisting of reading and thinking stages, exploring and planning, selecting a strategy, finding an answer, and reflecting and extending. The Heuristic- KP strategy affected the mathematical lateral thinking ability on the indicators of idea identification, openness, development, flexibility, originality, and facts analysis

    Textbook assessment and religious education efforts: how to achieve religious moderation in schools?

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    This article delineates the process of evaluating the substance of religious education literature affiliated with Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Moderation is regarded as a fundamental component of a pluralistic and multicultural society. Beyond that, its primary objective is to prevent division within the nation and address the issue of intolerance in textbooks. By employing a qualitative-descriptive-exploratory conceptual framework and conducting focus group discussions (FGDs) with multiple experts, this writing method is informed by meticulous observation and reading of religious education texts spanning grades kindergarten to high school. This research demonstrates that religious textbooks continue to include material that has the potential to incite violence, prejudice, and hostility. Furthermore, this analysis establishes textbook evaluation as a "bridge" to achieving religious moderation in madrasas and institutions. The independent assessment team and the book evaluation committee were both interviewed. This study emphasises the significance of providing authors and publishers with writing guidelines, training, and mentoring to ensure that the quality of textbooks produced aligns with the content embraced by the nation's norms, values, and culture.Ā Artikel ini menguraikan proses penilaian substansi literatur pendidikan agama yang berafiliasi dengan Islam, Katolik, Protestan, Hindu, dan Budha. Moderasi dianggap sebagai komponen mendasar dari masyarakat pluralistik dan multikultural. Selain itu, tujuan utamanya adalah untuk mencegah perpecahan dalam bangsa dan mengatasi masalah intoleransi dalam buku pelajaran. Dengan menggunakan kerangka konseptual kualitatif-deskriptif-eksploratif dan melakukan diskusi kelompok terfokus (FGD) dengan berbagai ahli, metode penulisan ini didasarkan pada observasi dan pembacaan yang cermat terhadap teks-teks pendidikan agama mulai dari tingkat taman kanak-kanak hingga sekolah menengah atas. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa buku teks agama masih memuat materi yang berpotensi memicu kekerasan, prasangka, dan permusuhan. Lebih lanjut, analisis ini menjadikan evaluasi buku teks sebagai ā€œjembatanā€ pencapaian moderasi beragama di madrasah dan lembaga. Tim penilai independen dan panitia evaluasi buku sama-sama diwawancarai. Studi ini menekankan pentingnya memberikan pedoman penulisan, pelatihan, dan pendampingan kepada penulis dan penerbit untuk memastikan bahwa kualitas buku teks yang dihasilkan sejalan dengan konten yang dianut oleh norma, nilai, dan budaya bangsa

    Human Rights and Views of the Catholic Church under Habermas Discourse Theory

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    This article aims to explain the views of the Catholic Church on human rights and put them into dialogue with the concept of human rights based on discourse theory as put forward by JuĢˆrgen Habermas. In the view of the Catholic Church, the ethical basis for the concept of human rights is the biblical view of human beings as being made in the image of God, which later became the forerunner to the birth of the concept of human dignity and the ethical basis for human rights. This article shows that the discourse theory rejects this theological model of justification for human rights. The criticism of the discourse theory as it relates to an absolute paradigm is that the absolute paradigm requires metaphysical premises. However, in a modern society characterized by a pluralism of worldviews and philosophical and religious beliefs, such metaphysical claims are no longer acceptable. Through the lens of discourse theory, the foundation of the notion of human rights cannot be based on the pre-political basis of religious values. This discourse theory grounding model is based on the conditions of contemporary post-metaphysical society, characterized by a plurality of comprehensive doctrines. However, Habermas emphasizes the role of religion in the public sphere in promoting human rights. He advocates for the reinvention of public reason by encouraging religious people to translate sacred terms into secular language when entering formal political spaces. According to Habermasā€™ theories, democratic decision-making must allow citizens the right to use religious terms in public debate. Furthermore, this article shows that discourse theory creates a roadmap for human rights by allowing religion, law, and politics to coexist. Only if we adhere to the principles of discourse theory can we guarantee the fair and just participation of both secular and religious members in a democratic constitutional state. Keywords: Human Rights, Catholic Church, Religion, Habermasā€™s Discourse Theor

    Music in The Liturgy of The Catholic Community in Jakarta, Indonesia

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    This article discusses music in the Catholic liturgy in Jakarta, Indonesia in the postmodern era within the context of the autonomy of the Catholic Church. The Indonesian Catholic Church is an independent and autonomous church where liturgical music is a form of original artistic expression. However, in practice, the majority of Catholics in Indonesia view the liturgical celebration as uninteresting and dull. Conversely, pop music has increasingly influenced liturgical music. This reality is discussed and analyzed specifically in regards to liturgical music that experiences contextual data inference, especially in the specific cultural contexts of the community. The data analysis shows, in perception of Catholics in Jakarta, the role of liturgical music in worship is not homogeneous, but rather depends on the educational background, attention from Pastors of the Parish, cultural factors, and individual past experiences. For the most part, the level of understanding regarding the nature and important position of liturgical music in religious holy celebrations is low. Most consider that all music is the same and can therefore be used in the liturgy. Music is considered only a complement to enhance religious celebrations. In this context, the government and the Indonesian Catholic Church established the Catholic Church Choir Development Institute (LP3K) as a forum for fostering Catholics in Indonesia in the liturgical field and discussing issues related to music. This article confirms that the position of the liturgical music is crucial and has an irreplaceable significance in the liturgy, and the two are inextricably woven to each other

    Pendidikan karakter dalam sekolah taman seminari

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    AbstractThis article aims to examine the application of character education in Taman Seminary, the level of early childhood education. The research was conducted at five schools in the Java region in March ? August 2019 using qualitative methods. The result shows that the school under the guidance of the Directorate General of Catholic Community Guidance has a positive impact on the growth and development of children's character. Children begin to be independent by eating alone, can make a cross, pray spontaneously before eating, and even children can remind their parents if they forget to pray before eating. This is evident from the recognition of the parents who see changes in the attitudes and behavior of religious, independent, disciplined, and caring. This research recommends that the Directorate General of Catholic Community Guidance make a grand design for the Taman Seminary school and conduct socialization to the public, specifically to the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, so that this policy has full support. In addition, substantial efforts and actions are needed to increase the competence of teaching staff and improve facilities and infrastructure, including class buildings.AbstrakArtikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji penerapan pendidikan karakter di Taman Seminari, jenjang pendidikan anak usia dini. Riset dilakukan pada lima sekolah di regio Jawa pada Maret ? Agustus 2019 dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Temuannya adalah ternyata sekolah yang berada dalam binaan Ditjen Bimas Katolik ini berdampak positif terhadap pertumbuhan dan perkembangan karakter anak. Anak mulai mandiri dengan makan sendiri, dapat membuat tanda salib, berdoa spontan sebelum makan, bahkan anak dapat mengingatkan orang tuanya jika lupa berdoa sebelum makan. Hal ini terbukti dari pengakuan orang tua siswa yang melihat adanya perubahan sikap dan perilaku anak yang religius, mandiri, disiplin, peduli. Riset ini merekomendasikan agar Ditjen Bimas Katolik membuat grand design sekolah Taman Seminari dan melakukan sosialisasi kepada publik, secara khusus kepada hierarki Gereja Katolik sehingga kebijakan ini mendapat dukungan penuh. Selain itu diperlukan usaha dan tindakan konkret untuk peningkatan kompetensi tenaga pengajar dan perbaikan fasilitas sarana-prasarana termasuk gedung kelas

    The st. Fransiskus xaverius: misionaris, teladan iman dan guru bagi masyarakat katolik

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    Setiap masyarakat memiliki panutan/tokoh, karena cerita rakyat selalu berkaitan tentang masyarakat tertentu. Studi ini bertujuan mengelaborasi dan mengaktualisasikan nilai-nilai religius yang telah diteladankan oleh St. Fransiskus Xaverius dalam folklor religi Maluku. Studi ini didasarkan pada penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Proses analisis data dilakukan dengan data collection, data display, data reduction, dan conclusion drawing. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teladan iman dan kualitas pribadi St. Fransiskus Xaverius sebagai seorang misionaris peletak dasar kekristenan di Maluku sangat bermakna bagi masyarakat Maluku karena telah mengubah hidup mereka menjadi mengenal dan beriman kepada Allah. Oleh karena itu cerita ini diwariskan secara turun temurun sehingga terus hadir dalam ingatan publik. Folklor ini mengajarkan nilai-nilai luhur yang telah diteladankan oleh Fransiskus, yakni religius, murah hati, sederhana, kerja keras dan setia dalam iman. Teladan hidupnya memberi pesan bahwa orang yang hidup dekat dengan Tuhan, akan menjadi berkat bagi orang lain

    Portrait of Adequacy of Teachers in DKI Jakarta Public Madrasah

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    AbstractThis study aims to analyze the availability of professional teachers in public madrasahs using a descriptive analysis survey method. Respondents were 1116 state madrasah teachers (MIN, MTsN, and MAN) in DKI Jakarta. Teacher profile data obtained from Simpatika. Teacher competency data was obtained through a questionnaire in the Google form in 2021. The results showed that there was a quite significant shortage of educators in MIN of Arabic 46%; Art 45%; and Sports 53%. The class teacher has an excess of 17%. For MTsN and MAN, there are significant deficiencies in the subjects of PKN, Indonesian, Cultural Arts, Sports, and Craft-Entrepreneurship. This study recommends that the Central Ministry of Religion recruit civil servant teachers in all subjects that experience shortages. This study has implications for the management of teacher governance in madrasas, it is necessary to pay attention to the adequacy of teachers for each eye. For the Ministry of Religion as a policy maker to pay serious attention to meeting the needs of teachers in every madrasah. For higher education institutions, it is necessary to open several departments which are currently quite limited in the availability of teachers such as teachers of arts, sports, and counseling guidance.AbstrakStudi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis ketersediaan guru profesional di madrasah negeri dengan menggunakan metode survei teknik analisis deskriptif. Responden merupakan 1116 guru madrasah negeri (MIN, MTsN dan MAN) di DKI Jakarta. Data profil guru diperoleh dari Simpatika. Data kompetensi guru diperoleh melalui angket dalam google form tahun 2021. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat kekurangan tenaga pendidik yang cukup signifikan di MIN sebesar: Bahasa Arab 46%; Seni 45%; dan Olahraga 53% sedang untuk guru kelas mengalami kelebihan sebesar 17%. Untuk satuan pendidikan MTsN dan MAN terdapat kekurangan guru yang cukup signifikan pada mata pelajaran PKN, Bahasa Indonesia, Seni Budaya, Olahraga dan Prakarya-Kewirausahaan. Studi ini merekomendasikan agar Kementerian Agama Pusat melakukan penerimaan guru PNS pada semua mata pelajaran yang mengalami kekurangan. Studi ini berimplikasi terhadap manajemen tata kelola guru di madrasah perlu memperhatikan ketercukupan guru untuk setiap mata. Untuk kementrian agama sebagai pembuat kebijakan agar memberi perhatian serius terhadap pemenuhan kebutuhan guru disetiap madrasah.Ā  Untuk lembaga pendidikan tinggi perlu membuka beberapa jurusan yang saat ini cukup terbatas ketersediaan guru seperti guru seni, olah raga dan bimbingan konseling.How to Cite: Fatra, M., Sihombing, A.A. (2023). Portrait of Adequacy of Teachers in DKI Jakarta Public Madrasah. TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society, 10(1), 13-38.